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Ladran Sancho

Design: Diego Ballester
Project Type: Produced
Packaging Content: Wine
Location: Argentina

New line of wines and sparkling wines "Ladran Sancho" from Bodega Tordos Wines de Cafayate, Salta.

Packaging inspired by the adventures of Don Quijote de la Mancha from the famous book by the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes Saavedra, and the incredible drawings by Gustave Doré.

And how could it be otherwise we chose Don Quijote and Sancho Panza for red wine and Dulcinea for the sparkling Sweet Natural.

This famous expression "Bark, Sancho, signal that we ride" by Don Quixote de la Mancha; It refers to the fact that we are moving forward with this traditional idea of producing simple and fresh wines despite criticism, new customs and complex wine styles. Our humble intention is to have a rich wine again at any time, in any place and as you like; To enjoy the simple again.